Disposable Headphone Covers

Disposable Covers for Headphones and Headsets
Scan Sound offers many sizes of sanitary disposable headphone covers to help prevent the spread of germs by those sharing headphone and headsets in MRI scan centers, schools, hospitals and dentist offices. Our headphone covers wrap around the outer edge of the headphone cushions and prevent your hair and skin from coming into contact with headphones used by many different people. Our covers have been frequently ordered by those who want to protect headphone users from spreading viruses such as influenza and Covid-19. There are different sized covers that allow the audio to clearly pass through making them the best choice for use in call centers, tele-communication, airport security, business training, translation, courtroom hearings, correctional facilities, helicopter and airplane pilots, industrial tours and MRI patient scans.
Headphone and Headset Sizing Information:
- Headphone Earpiece Size is 2 1/2-inches or smaller in size (up to 6.3cm) - Order the SMALL SIZE Headphone Covers
- Headphone Earpiece Size is 2 to 3 1/2-inches (5 to 9cm) - Order the MEDIUM SIZE Headphone Covers
- Headphone Earpiece Size is 3 to 5-inches in size (7.6 to 12.7cm) - Order the LARGE SIZE Headphone Covers
- Headphone Earpiece Size is between 4 to 7-inches (10.2 to 17.8cm) - Order the EXTRA LARGE SIZE Headphone Covers
We also sell headset microphone covers online here.