Sale on Gold Series earphones and select headphones through the end of the year!

Sale on Gold Series earphones and select headphones through the end of the year!

21st Nov 2017

Sale on Gold Series earphones and headphones

Instead of a Black Friday sale, we are having a sale through the end of 2017! Using the coupon code THANKS2017, you can get $5.00 off some of our best selling products: Our EAR-1 single-sided headphone, HP-085 headphones with per-ear volume control, and all of our Gold-series 1-BUD earphones!

The EAR-1 Headphone and Gold-series 1-BUDs are a great choice for anyone with single-sided deafness or partial hearing loss, as well as people who want to listen to music, talk radio or podcasts without blocking out all outside noise. The HP-085 headphones are compatible with mono and stereo devices and users can control the volume level for each ear, making them extremely versatile.

If you are looking for headphones or earphones for yourself or as a gift, check out the links above! And don't forget to use coupon code THANKS2017 at checkout to save $5.00 off per item on top of the current sale prices!